

       Hello everyone.Today is my last class for subject UED102 for this interim session.It is a little bit sad for me because we are not going to learn more about how students life or what actually they do when studying.So far this class was very great.We learn much about how to be a good student in university.The next semester is the measurement that I will practices about what I had learnt in study skills class.So for the last topic in the UED102 is Goal Setting.The facilitator for my last class is Mr.Akmal Hisyam bin Abdul Rahim.He is one of the lecturer in faculty of administrative science and policy studies.        WHAT IS A GOAL?   Goal is our target / purpose / vision /aim / dream / objective  that we want to achieve in our life.We need to earnestly do something to seen the lucrative and achieve what we want.              WHAT SHOULD BE GOAL :     S mart     M easurable                                               A chievable                     R ealistic  


    Hi everyone! We meet again in my blog.As always,I will tell you about the study skill class that I had attend in this morning.So,in this morning we study about new topic.The topic given is Taking Lecture Notes.For this class,our facilitator is Mr Mohamad Kamil Ariff bin Khalid or we just called him as Mr Kamil.     So for this topics we has focuses with: How to take lecture notes. Why take lecture notes. What to include in notes. Reviewing notes.    Let's begin with the first focuses which is how to take lecture notes.              PART 1     HOW TO TAKE LECTURE NOTES Prepare before taking notes. The best way to prepare note taking activity is to read the text before class. By reading the text will allow us to:                                    a) Build up the background about the topic.                                    b) Have idea what the lecture is about.                                    c) Identify main ideas of the lecture and organ


    Hi everyone.How are you? I hope everyone is always happy with your days.So, today I attended another class of UED102. On this day we were given a description of about time managment and organizational skills. So,in this blog I will be peeling a bit about what Madam Ramha explain to us in class this morning.     First of all we were given a description about what is the definition of time.     TIME Noun   -   The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and                        future. Verb    -   Plan, schedule or arrange when (something) should happen or be done.     DEFINITION OF TIME MANAGMENT.     The ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.   5 STRATEGIES ( STUDY SYSTEM )     Daily planner.     Weekly schedule.     Semester calendar.     Academic vs Personal life.     The most important is avoid procrastination.   What is Procrastination ?    Procrastination is the


            Hi everyone! Today I will update this blog with other topic in my study skills e-portfolio.I  has been attend the class on these morning which is from 8 a.m until 10.05 a.m. Mr. Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz is our module facilitator for this week. He is so funny person and his spontaneous action make us feel happy to hear what he has to say.Okay everyone,lets me continue my agenda of writing this blog.                First,Mr Fizal tell us about plagiarism.At first,I did not understand what it is plagiarism but when Mr.Fizal explain it, we increasingly understand its meaning.According to the Oxford dictionary, plagiarism is to copy another person's ideas,words or work and pretend that they are your own.          Mr.Fizal prohibit us from do plagiarism.This is because if students do plagiarism,they will be given a zero score of the assignment.For more information you can go to web InQKA.         


          Hi there! today I want to share with all of you about Memory,Learning & Improving Concentration that I had attend the class on 21 June 2017.The lecturer who had gave this tittle is Miss Ainatul Fathiyah binti Abdul Rahim.She told us that we can called her as Miss Aina.So, should we start with the first thing, Learning?                      On the end of this class,we get the main objective :       Understanding memory processes.       Memory strategies.       Understanding concentration.       Strategies for improving concentration .       Reading i-study system (SQ3R).       First, Miss Aina told us about learning pyramid.                                                Miss Aina said if we want our memory learning stay in mind up to die, we have to teach others.This is because with teach others we can remember what we has tell to our friends.I think everyone has do this thing right and until now you can remember what you said to your friend.


      Hi everyone! what are you do today? hope all of you never wasting your time with futile thing.      Actually today I want to share with you all about my study skills.Do your still remember about my past post that I was told about my Study Skills syllibus .Well for my second week in study skills class,we had done with Library and Campus Resources.Our guided lecture is Mr.Anwar bin Hassim.He told us about how to find a books.In the modern age today,we can used technology for our comfortable life.Same like this campus.We were taught to used online systems.     Website Online Public Access Catalog or we called it as WebOpac was used to facilitate the search of books o students.With this system, the students are able to find the book with more ease and save time for students.Moreover, students can find their desired book with move accurate and detailed.The example of the online system is such a Mendeley, E-jurnal, E-book and EzAccess.        Furthermore,Mr Anwar told us about O


      First week in UiTM , we had been given some briefing about our course, UED 102 or most popular name 'Study Skills'.The briefing was given by Dr.Fauzi which was our Deputy Rector of the UiTM Campus Raub, Pahang.       We have seven week for this interim and we had been given to a group.For this interim session< we have twelve groups and I was luckly in the third group that we called the group as RB1B.Dr. Fauzi had told us an introduction for this subject which were :   Getting ready to learn.   Goal setting.   Library and campus resources.   Time managment and organizational skills.   Memory learning and improving concentration.   Taking lecturer notes.   Academic integrity and perfomance.             So for the first week we had been briefing with the getting ready to learn.The program was hold at Titiwangsa Hall.The students had been joined to got their knowledge about what they do when interim session. Dr.Fauzi advise us to focus in our syllibus. The