Hi there! today I want to share with all of you about Memory,Learning & Improving Concentration that I had attend the class on 21 June 2017.The lecturer who had gave this tittle is Miss Ainatul Fathiyah binti Abdul Rahim.She told us that we can called her as Miss Aina.So, should we start with the first thing, Learning?


       On the end of this class,we get the main objective :
  1.       Understanding memory processes.
  2.       Memory strategies.
  3.       Understanding concentration.
  4.       Strategies for improving concentration .
  5.       Reading i-study system (SQ3R).

      First, Miss Aina told us about learning pyramid.


       Miss Aina said if we want our memory learning stay in mind up to die, we have to teach others.This is because with teach others we can remember what we has tell to our friends.I think everyone has do this thing right and until now you can remember what you said to your friend.Other than that you can see at the diagram of the learning pyramid.5% from lecture,10% from reading,20% comes from audiovisual,next 30% from demonstration,50% from discussion,75% from practice doing and the last is 90% from teach others.

     Next we were going to the second part that is Memory.On this part Miss Aina ask us to define about memory and the brain.Memory is our ability to encode,store retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain while brain is the organ where we use to keep a memory.Sensory Memory (SM) is the shortest-term element of memory.It is the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimuli have ended.For example,the ability to look at something and remember what it looked like with just a second of observation is an example of sensory memory.

     Next,Short-term Memory (STM) is acts as a kind os 'scratch-pad' for temporary recall of the information which is being processed at any point in time.It holds a small amount of information in mind typically around 7 items or even less.Miss Aina had tried this to our class.Students must remember what their looked infront the class for just 3 second and then Miss Aina ask us to jot down what we remember.I got 10 number that I can has remembered.

    Lastly,Long-term Memory (LTM) is obviously enough,intended for storage of information over a long period of time.Despite our everyday impressions of forgetting.It seems like that long-term memory actually decays very littles over time and can store a seemingly unlimited amount of information almost indefinitely.

                                            Types of Human Memory: Diagram by Luke Mastin
       We go more faster right now okey! So after we were given the length information by Miss Aina for the Memory,Miss Aina proceed further with the topic how to improve your strategy.

  1. Massed practice vs Spaced practice
  • Massed practice is not good.Spaced practice is good recommended.We can do spaced practice 10 minutes before sleep.
      2.Breaking reading material down.
  •  Again no cramming for some period of time.
  • E.g: 2 chapters per day,not all chapters a day before exam
      3.Elaboration strategics

  •  Acronyms e.g: Universiti Teknologi Mara =UiTM
                                   Malaysia Airline System    =MAS

  • Acrostics    e.g:
Image result for acrostic example
acrostics examples

  •  Imagenary.
  •  Mnemonics.e.g:One Birds Pick Grain
                               O-orange   B-blue   P-pink   G-green
  •  Organizational strategies.

      Causes of poor concentration :
  1.       Lack of attention.
  2.       Lack of interest.
  3.       Lack of motivation.
  4.       Distraction from others.
  5.       Uncomfortable environment.
  6.       Physiological matters - illness,tiredness
  7.       Psychological matters- personal problems,worries
       Other that,Miss Aina also give us Strategies for improving concentration.The strategies is:
  • Use motivational and organizational strategies.
  • Create a positive learning environment.
  • Deal with internal disfractions.
  • Use active learning strategies.
  • Match your learning style to the task.
  • Monitor your concentration.
      Last but not least,Miss Aina told us about SQ3R
     S = survey
           -make the overview about the topic will come up

     Q =questions
           -make a questions during reading so that the mind is always looking for answers.

     R 1= read
            -read the paragraph for get an information.
            -then try to search the answers.

     R 2= recite
            -make your own note and try to remember.
            -remember the important point.
            -efficiency is increased if the thought strengthened with refresher.

     R 3= review
            -see your note back.

      That all from me for the third week of the study skills class.See you soon on the next post okay.

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