Hi everyone! Today I will update this blog with other topic in my study skills e-portfolio.I  has been attend the class on these morning which is from 8 a.m until 10.05 a.m. Mr. Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz is our module facilitator for this week. He is so funny person and his spontaneous action make us feel happy to hear what he has to say.Okay everyone,lets me continue my agenda of writing this blog.
         First,Mr Fizal tell us about plagiarism.At first,I did not understand what it is plagiarism but when Mr.Fizal explain it, we increasingly understand its meaning.According to the Oxford dictionary, plagiarism is to copy another person's ideas,words or work and pretend that they are your own.

         Mr.Fizal prohibit us from do plagiarism.This is because if students do plagiarism,they will be given a zero score of the assignment.For more information you can go to web InQKA.

 In the age of technology now,we can use a variety of ways to detect plagiarism.Mr.Fizal told us that the lecture can detect plagiarism through the web Turnitin. This web are used to keep track of any imitative verse.


   STEP 1: Planning Your Paper
  • Consult your lecturer/tutor.
  • plan your paper.
  • take effective notes.
   STEP 2: Writing Your Paper
  • Cite your sources.
  • Make it clear who said what.
  • Know how to pharaprase.
  • Evaluate your sources.
  • Include a references page.

            After a long explaination about plagiarism,Mr.Fizal proceed further with the Calculating Grade Point Average ( GPA ). In this topic,Mr.Fizal teach us about how to calculating our GPA and CGPA. This is important for university student to knows because it is become our yardstick in the lesson. UiTM using the scoring system grade as follows:
  •     Formula to Calculate Grade Point Average (GPA)

                     The total credit values registered and attempted in the assessment of a semester
        GPA=   _________________________________________________________________
                                        The total credit units acquired in the same semester

  •     Formula to Calculate Cummulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

                          The total credit values registered and attempted in the assessment of all semesters
         CGPA= _____________________________________________________________________
                                                The total credit units acquired in the all semester

   If the student get below 2,they will be given some punishment.

 That all from what I understand in this class session.Hope you enjoy reading my blog and thank you for reading it.

Before the end of the class, Mr.Fizal had gave us some work to do.It is GPA worksheet that we must calculate the GPA via the questions.So I will show you my work.


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