Hi everyone! We meet again in my blog.As always,I will tell you about the study skill class that I had attend in this morning.So,in this morning we study about new topic.The topic given is Taking Lecture Notes.For this class,our facilitator is Mr Mohamad Kamil Ariff bin Khalid or we just called him as Mr Kamil.

    So for this topics we has focuses with:

  • How to take lecture notes.
  • Why take lecture notes.
  • What to include in notes.
  • Reviewing notes.
   Let's begin with the first focuses which is how to take lecture notes.
       PART 1

  1. Prepare before taking notes.
  • The best way to prepare note taking activity is to read the text before class.
  • By reading the text will allow us to:
                                   a) Build up the background about the topic.
                                   b) Have idea what the lecture is about.
                                   c) Identify main ideas of the lecture and organize notes easier.
                                   d) Be familiar with the key terms related to the topic.
  • Get ready to take notes as walk into the classroom.
  • Sitting in front of the classroom will allow to sit and hear better.
  • Probably than other interested motivated friends sit in the first few rows of the class.
  • Review the notes took during the last class while waiting for class to begin.
      2. Become active listener.
  • Read before the lecture.
  • Review last set of notes.
  • Sit in the lecture's line of vision.
  • Decide what to listen.
  • Focus attention physically and mentally.
  • Listen with an open mind.
  • Control emotional responses.
  • Ask and answer questions.
  • Listen for the main points and related details and take notes.
  • Monitor listening by checking with lecturer and classmate if unsure of some information.
  1. Active listening.
  2. Accurate record of information.
  3. To interpret, condense and organize information.
  4. For repetition of material.

      PART 2 (Effective note taking systems)

     The cornell note taking system.
  • Exellent format setting up note page.
  • 8 1/2 inches x 11 inches notebook.
  • Has recall 1 cue column and summary column at the end.

Image result for cornell system

    Image result for cornell system

   So that is the example how we can use the cornell system.


  1.     Heading
  • Always note main points that are made during lecture.
     2.     Details listen for all details.
  • Any facts and explanations that explain the main points mentioned.
  • Definitions word for word if lecturer repeats them several times.
  • Enumerations and lists of things that are discussed.
  • Examples related to general headings.
  • Anything that is repeated and spelled out.
  • Anything that is written on the whiteboard and on a power point slide.

      3.    Discussion classes.
  • Some lectures prefer the discussion format when teaching.
  • Can easily take notes on a discussion by writing down the main question posed.
  • Then jot down the various points.
      4.   Online lecture notes.
  • Some lecturers choose to post their lecture notes on the course web sites prior to or after the lecture.
  • You can simply print the notes either before or after class.
  • You use the lecturer's notes to build some background knowledge prior to the lecture.
  • Use the online notes to edit your notes.


  1. Recite from the headings.
  • you can review notes by using the headings to prompt memory.
  • check note to see whether you missed anything.
      2.  Recite from the recall.
  • use the recall questions to test your memory.
  • this review method helps you learn the material in an isolated way.
  • you learn specific answers to specific questions.
     3.  Talk about the information with others.
  • another way to study is to talk about it.
  • putting the information in your own words and explaining it to others to move it into long term memory.
  • get together with your friends to review your notes.

     So that is what I have learn for today about this subject.I think I will update the last topics for the study skill subject in the next week at Wednesday..okay guys..good bye..


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